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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/geneviev/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/admin/bsf-core/auto-update/admin-functions.php on line 11 December 2019 – Genevieve Flynn Photography
Baby + grey + blue + B&W. This may be my most monochromatic session to date! Austin’s mama said she liked grey and blue (very popular combo for boys), and I guess I decided to go in 100% on that, because I did not use anything that was not those 2 colours…and I kind of […]
A feisty and sweet little sister. Last month Kyla came in to the studio to see me, and we had quite the time together; she was a ‘starer’, and even though she did get those sweet little eyes closed eventually, she definitely preferred to see what was going on! (Typical 2nd born.)...
Headstrong, but handsome. Oh, little Grayson. There was something about November; I’m not sure what it was, but all the babies who came to see me (including this handsome fellow) were simply NOT interested in sleeping. Alert, a bit cranky but so funny and so cute, Grayson slept very...
The sweetest little darling…ever?! Oh, Charlotte. She stole my heart with her hair, big eyes, sweet chubby cheeks and quiet, happy demeanor. She slept so well for me during her session, she was a dream baby! Her parents were more than a little smitten, and, being the 1st grandchild of 2...
*Sigh* Young Love. Remember being 18? Honestly I kind of don’t. I’ve been alive twice that long and honestly trying to remember what it was like to graduate high school, or to be a very new ‘adult’ feels so foreign to me! Seeing Autumn, our kids’ babysitter these...
In.my.own.back.yard. It’s always such a treat when a couple agrees to travel ‘all the way’ out to Norton for photos; while I do love exploring new places with couples, I also love shooting in my own backyard (literally in some cases); I know where the light is best, where the...