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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/geneviev/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/admin/bsf-core/auto-update/admin-functions.php on line 11 Dan and I – Genevieve Flynn Photography
18 Years. Today is our ‘unofficial’ anniversary, we have been a couple for 18 years….my mind can barely wrap itself around that, nearly 2 whole decades side by side, 2 years away from the ‘tipping point’ of having been together longer than we haven’t in our...
2020 was a year we’ll never forget. For many, obvious reasons, 2020 was not the year that most of us thought that it would be. Luckily for us, it was still a pretty good year (all things considering). Our kids were at ages (10 and 8.5) where having them at home did not equal a […]
We’ve taken a photo or two together, lol. Since 2012 or so, Dan and I have taken part of multiple professional photos sessions, both with the kids, but mostly alone. To be honest at this point I’ve kind of lost count, it’s close to 10, usually 1 a year (a couple years we did...
“Our Place”. This is what we’ve called The Birdhouse, at Castalia Marsh Retreat in Grand Manan, since we first started going there 5 years ago. This quirky, hand-built cabin is pure magic, plain and simple. It’s nothing fancy; the floors are tilted, the futon is lumpy,...
It is an uncertain, unprecedented time (#duh). The past 4 weeks have been the craziest, weirdest and wildest 4 weeks of my adult life. I’m sure many are feeling the same, and I know that many are also feeling scared, anxious, depressed and overwhelmed. We’ve never had to do this...
Dan and I don’t do holidays. Whether it is because of how we grew up not really acknowledging holidays (at least me), or because of our introverted and somewhat subdued personalities, we’ve never really embraced the concept that we need special occasions to show each other how much...