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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/geneviev/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/admin/bsf-core/auto-update/admin-functions.php on line 11 Couples – Page 2 – Genevieve Flynn Photography
In.my.own.back.yard. It’s always such a treat when a couple agrees to travel ‘all the way’ out to Norton for photos; while I do love exploring new places with couples, I also love shooting in my own backyard (literally in some cases); I know where the light is best, where the...
Fall at its finest. The change in seasons is never more stark than the transition between fall and winter. It’s so hard to believe that these images were taken only 2 months ago! And what a perfect fall day Brittany, Dan and I had; cloudy but not too cold, and colour, colour everywhere!...
We chased a waterfall. Last month, on a truly beautiful summer-like evening, I met up with Sally and Chris, who are getting married this September. We met in up a little country church parking lot, I said hello, hopped into their backseat, and we took off up some country roads. I told them to...
Couples with a touch of gray? Count me in. Oh, sessions like this give me *life*. There is nothing better than meeting a couple and ‘clicking’ almost right away, photographing them as they cuddle and display absolute perfection in front of the camera, and soaking up the first really...
My first engagement session of the year! Waaaay back in late May, when the leaves were still just budding and the warmth was slowly coming back to our finicky province, I met up with Rachelle and Matt for the engagement photos. I actually met these 2 lovely people the previous fall at another...
Take time to reconnect. Last month I met up with Greg and Sonia, good friends of ours, for a little in-home reconnection session. With 2 little boys at home and 2 in school, they are busy parents , dealing with everyday stresses and tasks. It’s so easy to get lost in life and lose the...