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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/geneviev/public_html/wp-content/plugins/Ultimate_VC_Addons/admin/bsf-core/auto-update/admin-functions.php on line 11 Hampton NB – Genevieve Flynn Photography
Young (like, really young) Love. Dan and I met when we were 20. We were married at 23, which at the time felt very normal and very age-appropriate, but when I photographed Emma and Ben (who are both in their early 20s) a couple of months ago I was SHOCKED that these little tiny babies […]
A backyard wedding that matched any grand affair. So, it goes without saying that the 2020 wedding season is looking a little different than we had all planned…most of my weddings for this year have either been cancelled or re-scheduled to 2021, but I had a few couples who decided that...
Newborn families are my new favourite type of family to photograph. There’s just something about this moment in time, it’s so unlike any other in your life; every moment feels exhausting and wonderful, vulnerable and peaceful, chaotic and still, confusing and profound, all at once....
2018 was my first full year in the studio, and boy, did I get to to use it a lot! 23 amazing little boys and girls, all with their own distinct personalities, features, and experiences, all coming to me from various backgrounds, from different sized families, but all pure and sweet and new. It...