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What Makes a Marriage? This is a question I’ve been more and more curious about as I age and as my own marriage accumulates in years and moments. What keeps 2 people together, through huge life changes like careers, moving, CHILDREN, death, illness, aging, and on and on it goes? How do...
It’s that time of year again! 2019 was another incredible year for me and my business, with a good variety of sessions that made me *so* happy and reinforced in my mind what I should be putting my energy in to photographing, with boudoir being right there at the top of the list! I...
In.my.own.back.yard. It’s always such a treat when a couple agrees to travel ‘all the way’ out to Norton for photos; while I do love exploring new places with couples, I also love shooting in my own backyard (literally in some cases); I know where the light is best, where the...
We chased a waterfall. Last month, on a truly beautiful summer-like evening, I met up with Sally and Chris, who are getting married this September. We met in up a little country church parking lot, I said hello, hopped into their backseat, and we took off up some country roads. I told them to...
Dan and I don’t do holidays. Whether it is because of how we grew up not really acknowledging holidays (at least me), or because of our introverted and somewhat subdued personalities, we’ve never really embraced the concept that we need special occasions to show each other how much...